Getting a customer to to come into your establishment for the first time is often difficult and expensive. The key to a successful business is to persuade that customer to come again, and again. Starting a SportsDraft pool for your establishment will keep your customers coming more, staying longer, spending more, and connected when they aren’t in your place.
Our fantasy sports games brings your clientele back, and keeps them engaged with your business. By running a pool for the a season, you are insuring that your brand will be seen by customers 3-4 times per week, for the entire season. Our geo-fencing features restrict leaderboards to your venue, so when they’re watching the games unfold at your establishment, patrons can also see how they rank against the rest.
- Turnkey solution is easy to implement and takes less than 10 min to get live!
- Customers will come more often and stay longer with SportsDraft and your incentives.
- Engage with your customers on their phone, online, and in your establishment
- Customers will get to know each other via the leaderboard and become fans of each other and your establishment
- Foster competition between your staff, customers and management